For those of you who didn't make it for the Single's Party I organized last weekend, here's some pics of those who came and what we did:
Who showed up:

Ellise (Colleague) and her boyfriend Reagen brought his brother John to the party.
Reagan & Elise are one of those nice couples that you don't mind having around for social events. Real cool, real nice!

From left: Chin Hooi, Erick and Najiy

From left: Eric, Kenny, Fairuz (I think??)

Sazman's Posse (from left): Azman, Choy Hoong, Beefcake Onn, Julian and the pimp himself

My colleague Joyce Wong on the furthest right, and her friends Celine and Samantha.
They left quite early btw, quite potong steam.
Not sure if I wanna invite them again if I ever do organize one.

From left: Jean, Christine, Maxine and Chin Hooi the cam whore.
These are my 'clubbing' friends from the heydays.
Or at least some of their ex-bfs were...

Choo Ling!!!!
She deserves a portrait photo.
What a gal...

Fairil & Aimann (Sazman's debauchery bros)
The Activities:
There was the drinking challenge:

There was the 'buying girls a drink' challenge:

Disclaimer: The 2 acts below were not part of the organizer's initiative.

Overall, it was quite enjoyable...
To the Boss upstairs: I *would* be kinda nice to get some extra karma points for this.. Respect to Cupid, man...
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