Saturday, December 16, 2006

Nigel's BD Tani Session @ Bed

This is another overdued post.

Last Saturday was basically getting Nigel drunk day, so off we went to Bed, Heritage Row to test new toilet...

The pictures here will depict the string of events that led to Nigel Gan's destruction:

Phase 1: Still Standing

Muka steady #1: Can still camwhore with the Bohemian HoBo

Muka steady #2: Can still do the gay thang with Saz..

Muka steady #3: Can still ber-posing with the Bf.

Muka steady #4: Lan Yau Ying...

Attention, we interrupt this program for a Pikachew posing session...
Your patience is appreciated...
Arigato Gozaimasu.



Dum dee dum...

OK, Program continues...

Phase 2: The battle begins...

First we played the a couple of rounds of the ritualistic drinking card game.

Ze Bottle

Then we spiked him up with some Flaming ride, just when he thought it was the end of the road!

Muka half 'pei'

By now, our mission was almost accomplished, so we decided to down some sambukas to celebrate the achievement.

Phase 3: Drunk pic taking time!

Shitface #1

Shitface #2

Shitface #3

Shitface #4

Trying to get shit in face.

Mission accomplished!

Happy Birthday Old Man.



Anonymous said...

eh...friggin embarrasing pics la. Why do you think I never put them up on my blog?

Its been a while since I drank till my face turned red (or rather pink!).

Pikachew said...

Like, U're the one who's embarrassed, not me. Y shouldn't I put the pics up? *Logic yg tak logic*